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| class LOMO(Optimizer): """ 一个自定义的优化器类LOMO,用于在分布式训练中的梯度更新。 该类实现两个梯度更新函数 :meth:`fuse_update` 和 :meth:`fuse_update_zero3`,分别用于非ZeRO和ZeRO模式下的梯度更新。 :param model: 待优化的模型 :param lr: 学习率,默认值为1e-3 :param clip_grad_norm: 梯度裁剪的范数阈值 .. note:: clip_grad_norm须为正数 :param clip_grad_value: 梯度裁剪的值域阈值 """ def __init__(self, model, lr=1e-3, clip_grad_norm=None, clip_grad_value=None): self.model = model self.lr = lr self.local_rank = int(os.environ["LOCAL_RANK"]) self.world_size = dist.get_world_size() self.clip_grad_norm = clip_grad_norm self.clip_grad_value = clip_grad_value if self.clip_grad_norm is not None and self.clip_grad_norm <= 0: raise ValueError( f"clip_grad_norm should be positive, got {self.clip_grad_norm}." ) self.gather_norm = False self.grad_norms = [] self.clip_coef = None p0 = list(self.model.parameters())[0] if hasattr(p0, "ds_tensor"): self.grad_func = self.fuse_update_zero3() else: self.grad_func = self.fuse_update() if p0.dtype == torch.float16: self.loss_scaler = DynamicLossScaler( init_scale=2 ** 16, ) if self.clip_grad_norm is None: raise ValueError( "Loss scaling is recommended to be used with grad norm to get better performance." ) else: self.loss_scaler = None for n, p in self.model.named_parameters(): if p.requires_grad: p.register_hook(self.grad_func) defaults = dict( lr=lr, clip_grad_norm=clip_grad_norm, clip_grad_value=clip_grad_value ) super(LOMO, self).__init__(self.model.parameters(), defaults) def fuse_update(self): """ 在非ZeRO模式下更新模型参数的梯度。 :return: func,一个闭包函数,用于更新模型参数的梯度 """ def func(x): """ 闭包函数,用于更新模型参数的梯度。 """ with torch.no_grad(): for n, p in self.model.named_parameters(): if p.requires_grad and p.grad is not None: if self.loss_scaler: if ( self.loss_scaler.has_overflow_serial or self.loss_scaler._has_inf_or_nan(p.grad) ): p.grad = None self.loss_scaler.has_overflow_serial = True break grad_fp32 = p.grad.to(torch.float32) p.grad = None if self.loss_scaler: grad_fp32.div_(self.loss_scaler.loss_scale) if self.gather_norm: self.grad_norms.append(torch.norm(grad_fp32, 2.0)) else: if ( self.clip_grad_value is not None and self.clip_grad_value > 0 ): grad_fp32.clamp_( min=-self.clip_grad_value, max=self.clip_grad_value ) if ( self.clip_grad_norm is not None and self.clip_grad_norm > 0 and self.clip_coef is not None ): grad_fp32.mul_(self.clip_coef) p_fp32 = p.data.to(torch.float32) p_fp32.add_(grad_fp32, alpha=-self.lr) p.data.copy_(p_fp32) return x return func def fuse_update_zero3(self): """ 在ZeRO模式下更新模型参数的梯度。 :return: func,一个闭包函数,用于更新模型参数的梯度。 """ def func(x): with torch.no_grad(): for n, p in self.model.named_parameters(): if p.grad is not None: torch.distributed.all_reduce( p.grad, op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.AVG, async_op=False ) if self.loss_scaler: if ( self.loss_scaler.has_overflow_serial or self.loss_scaler._has_inf_or_nan(p.grad) ): p.grad = None self.loss_scaler.has_overflow_serial = True break grad_fp32 = p.grad.to(torch.float32) p.grad = None param_fp32 = p.ds_tensor.to(torch.float32) if self.loss_scaler: grad_fp32.div_(self.loss_scaler.loss_scale) if self.gather_norm: self.grad_norms.append(torch.norm(grad_fp32, 2.0)) else: one_dim_grad_fp32 = grad_fp32.view(-1) partition_size = p.ds_tensor.numel() start = partition_size * self.local_rank end = min(start + partition_size, grad_fp32.numel()) partitioned_grad_fp32 = one_dim_grad_fp32.narrow( 0, start, end - start ) if self.clip_grad_value is not None: partitioned_grad_fp32.clamp_( min=-self.clip_grad_value, max=self.clip_grad_value ) if ( self.clip_grad_norm is not None and self.clip_grad_norm > 0 and self.clip_coef is not None ): partitioned_grad_fp32.mul_(self.clip_coef) partitioned_p = param_fp32.narrow(0, 0, end - start) partitioned_p.add_(partitioned_grad_fp32, alpha=-self.lr) p.ds_tensor[: end - start] = partitioned_p return x return func def fused_backward(self, loss, lr): """ 执行一步反向传播并更新模型的梯度(真正计算梯度和更新参数)。 :param loss: 模型的loss值 :param lr: 学习率 """ self.lr = lr if ( self.clip_grad_norm is not None and self.clip_grad_norm > 0 and self.clip_coef is None ): raise ValueError( "clip_grad_norm is not None, but clip_coef is None. " "Please call optimizer.grad_norm() before optimizer.fused_backward()." ) if self.loss_scaler: loss = loss * self.loss_scaler.loss_scale loss.backward() self.grad_func(0) def grad_norm(self, loss): """ 计算梯度的范数(虽然做了一次 forward + backward,但实际上只是用于计算梯度的范数,后续做 clip grad norm 用)。 :param loss: 模型的loss值 """ self.gather_norm = True self.grad_norms = [] if self.loss_scaler: self.loss_scaler.has_overflow_serial = False loss = loss * self.loss_scaler.loss_scale loss.backward(retain_graph=True) self.grad_func(0) if self.loss_scaler and self.loss_scaler.has_overflow_serial: self.loss_scaler.update_scale(overflow=True) with torch.no_grad(): for n, p in self.model.named_parameters(): p.grad = None return with torch.no_grad(): self.grad_norms = torch.stack(self.grad_norms) total_norm = torch.norm(self.grad_norms, 2.0) self.clip_coef = float(self.clip_grad_norm) / (total_norm + 1e-6) self.clip_coef = torch.clamp(self.clip_coef, max=1.0) self.gather_norm = False